During the past decade, research into superconducting quantum bits (qubits) based on Josephson junctions has made rapid progress. Many foundational experiments have been performed, and superconducting qubits are now considered one of the most promising systems for quantum information processing. However, the experimentally reported coherence times are likely to be insufficient for future large-scale quantum computation. A natural solution to this problem is a dedicated engineered quantum memory based on atomic and molecular systems. The question of whether coherent quantum coupling is possible between such natural systems and a single macroscopic artificial atom has attracted considerable attention since the first demonstration of macroscopic quantum coherence in Josephson junction circuits. Here we report evidence of coherent strong coupling between a single macroscopic superconducting artificial atom (a flux qubit) and an ensemble of electron spins in the form of nitrogen–vacancy colour centres in diamond. Furthermore, we have observed coherent exchange of a single quantum of energy between a flux qubit and a macroscopic ensemble consisting of about 3 × 10^7 such colour centres. This provides a foundation for future quantum memories and hybrid devices coupling microwave and optical systems.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Coherent coupling of a superconducting flux qubit to an electron spin ensemble in diamond
Xiaobo Zhu, Shiro Saito, Alexander Kemp, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shin-ichi Karimoto, Hayato Nakano, William J. Munro, Yasuhiro Tokura, Mark S. Everitt, Kae Nemoto, Makoto Kasu, Norikazu Mizuochi & Kouichi Semba
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Cavity-Enhanced Frequency Comb Spectroscopy
A. Foltynowicz, T. Ban, P. Maslowski, F. Adler, J. Ye
What happens when you combine a frequency comb with a cavity
How Jun Ye knows if you're a smoker
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics
Y. Choi, S. Kang, S. Lim, W. Kim, J-R. Kim, J-H. Lee, K. An
We report the first direct observation of an exceptional point (EP) in an open quantum composite of a single atom and a high-Q cavity mode. The atom-cavity coupling constant was made a continuous variable by utilizing the multisublevel nature of a single rubidium atom when it is optimally coupled to the cavity mode. The spectroscopic properties of quasieigenstates of the atom-cavity composite were experimentally investigated near the EP. Branch-point singularity of quasieigenenergies was observed and its 4π symmetry was demonstrated. Consequently, the cavity transmission at the quasieigenstate was observed to exhibit a critical behavior at the EP.
Interaction-induced orbital excitation blockade of ultracold atoms in an optical lattice
W. S. Bakr, P. M. Preiss, M. E. Tai, R. Ma, J. Simon, M. Greiner
Interaction blockade occurs when strong interactions in a confined few-body system prevent a particle from occupying an otherwise accessible quantum state. Blockade phenomena reveal the underlying granular nature of quantum systems and allow the detection and manipulation of the constituent particles, whether they are electrons, spins, atoms, or photons. The diverse applications range from single-electron transistors based on electronic Coulomb blockade to quantum logic gates in Rydberg atoms. We have observed a new kind of interaction blockade in transferring ultracold atoms between orbitals in an optical lattice. In this system, atoms on the same lattice site undergo coherent collisions described by a contact interaction whose strength depends strongly on the orbital wavefunctions of the atoms. We induce coherent orbital excitations by modulating the lattice depth and observe a staircase-type excitation behavior as we cross the interaction-split resonances by tuning the modulation frequency. As an application of orbital excitation blockade (OEB), we demonstrate a novel algorithmic route for cooling quantum gases. Our realization of algorithmic cooling utilizes a sequence of reversible OEB-based quantum operations that isolate the entropy in one part of the system, followed by an irreversible step that removes the entropy from the gas. This work opens the door to cooling quantum gases down to ultralow entropies, with implications for developing a microscopic understanding of strongly correlated electron systems that can be simulated in optical lattices. In addition, the close analogy between OEB and dipole blockade in Rydberg atoms provides a roadmap for the implementation of two-qubit gates in a quantum computing architecture with natural scalability.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Universal Digital Quantum Simulation with Trapped Ions
B. P. Lanyon, C. Hempel, D. Nigg, M. Müller, R. Gerritsma, F. Zähringer, P. Schindler, J. T. Barreiro, M. Rambach, G. Kirchmair, M. Hennrich, P. Zoller, R. Blatt, C. F. Roos
A digital quantum simulator is an envisioned quantum device that can be programmed to efficiently simulate any other local system. We demonstrate and investigate the digital approach to quantum simulation in a system of trapped ions. Using sequences of up to 100 gates and 6 qubits, the full time dynamics of a range of spin systems are digitally simulated. Interactions beyond those naturally present in our simulator are accurately reproduced and quantitative bounds are provided for the overall simulation quality. Our results demonstrate the key principles of digital quantum simulation and provide evidence that the level of control required for a full-scale device is within reach.
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